

1 Macarthy Drive, Gbaya Town, Taiama, Sierra Leone

Who We Are

…Connecting the Future for Agro Innovation

Our Vision

AUGMAC Farms (SL) Limited foresees an improved rural livelihoods in Sierra Leone and sustainable global food systems.

Our Mission

AUGMAC Farms (SL) Limited seek to increase the availability of marketable Agro-commodities, reduce post-harvest loss, improve rural and urban food security, and support healthy production settings.

What We Do

AugMac Farms is determined to connect and transform the future through Agro Innovation by creating opportunities for growth and businesses that stimulate sustainable food production and increased incomes and innovative farm skills for underprivileged local farmers in Sierra Leone.

About Us

…Connecting the Future for Agro Innovation

Augmac farms(sl) Limited

AUGMAC FARM (SL) LIMITED is a leading agribusiness determined to transform Agriculture in Sierra Leone by identifying the right Agro-commodities trading and the right trade partners for both our customers and suppliers. We work to create local employment, reduce post-harvest loss, improve rural and urban food security, and foster healthy production environments. We work with small-and-medium-scale farmers, fabricators, Agro-commodity traders, and consumers. AUGMAC Farms (SL) Limited helps local farmers push up the quantity, quality, and value of what they produce. We share our expertise in growing the most appropriate and profitable crops. We help farmers gain access to high-quality inputs, improve soil quality, we help ensure farmers make the most of their land.

Our History

…Connecting the Future for Agro Innovation

AUGMAC Farms (SL) Limited was established in 2021, but officially registered and incorporated in Sierra Leone as a private company on the 30th November 2021 under the laws of the Republic of Sierra Leone. AUGMAC Farms (SL) Limited is determined to connect and transform the future through Agro Innovation by creating opportunities for growth and businesses that stimulate sustainable food production and increased incomes and innovative farm skills for underprivileged local farmers in Sierra Leone.
AUGMAC Farms (SL) Limited has agribusiness operations in Taiama, Kori Chiefdom, Sierra Leone. In Taiama, Sierra Leone, the company deals in cassava value chain processing cassava into Garri. Consumption of Garri in Sierra Leone helps to sustain approximately three million households and we have few rural producers, and these figures are expected to grow with the population explosion of the country. The (2019 Human Development Index) reported that in Sierra Leone the poverty level is high, with 53 percent of the population living below the income poverty line (US$1.25 per day).
Many smallholder farmers lack links to local markets, let alone international buyers. There is huge potential to push up sales. AUGMAC Farms (SL) Limited works to strengthen every aspect of farming supply chains, from soil to markets. We help and work with underprivileged rural farmers to build co-operatives, so they can sell in bulk. We train and empower local farmers to gain access to the knowledge, skills and networks on how to professionalize and fulfill their potential. AUGMAC Farms (SL) Limited is a partner to various private sector organizations on agriculture.

Our Core Values

AUGMAC Farms (SL) Limited’s core values guide us in how we conduct ourselves personally and professionally. In our commitment to excellence, it helps us fulfill our purpose and achieve our vision. In this ever-changing world of agriculture, our core values are constant. Our values inspire our work, how we interact with each other and which strategies we employ to fulfill our mission. We are guided by these core values that create a common understanding for ourselves and those we serve.

We value the quality of being honest, fair and having strong moral principles. Our actions bring honour to ourselves and to our company.

We appreciate and recognize our clients and customers regardless of their status and cultural identities. We embrace diversity.

We create excellent solutions for our clients and customers by carefully listening to their needs and exceeding their expectations.

We make great efforts to achieve superior results in everything we do by delivering what we have promised and add values that go beyond expectations. We strive for excellence as the minimum standard in the quality of our service delivery.

We constantly explore creative ways to strengthen global food systems. We are agile and responsive to the changing needs and services of our customers.

Our strategic partnership approach is one of our key assets. We value and foster corporations, networks and strategic mutual relationships with relevant small-and-medium-scale farmers, fabricators, Agro-commodity traders, and consumers.